Sunday, December 10, 2006


Meet Nala the monkey architect...

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 License.

Friday, October 27, 2006


Why the name NalaCAD?
  • Hopefully this link may answer your question.

Sunday, October 15, 2006


NalaCAD is a computer aided design (CAD) program.
  • Primary development language will be C++, and DoxyS will be used for source documentation.
  • The GUI will be implemented using wxWidgets.
  • Mesa3d will be used for rendering.
  • File format will be a human readable XML format.
  • Program will be database driven using SQLite.
  • Scripting capability to be provided using Python.


March 17, 2007
Wow, a whole month has passed and not a whole lot to show for it. Well at least with regards to NalaCAD's progress anyway. Actually the situation I am facing right now is kinda like a Microsoft employee wanting to moonlight as a Linux developer. Things can get awkward. Until some scenarios are resolved at my work, NalaCAD development will have to remain very hush hush.

February 17, 2007
Yaay, NalaCAD finally has a Mascot. Sourceforge was also kind enough to grant me approval for NalaCAD. Have also begun working on the wxWidgets framework. Things should be getting pretty interesting.

January 1, 2007
All right, the start of a brand new year. So much to do. First resolution on the list, design a freakin mascot. Second resolution, implement a wxWidgets openGL framework for NalaCAD. Third resolution, do it all before next year :^). It's off to work I go.

December 10, 2006
The following project makes the need for a well implemented open source solution to CAD even more important.